Loud noise while charging your Tesla? It’s the battery coolant heating the battery’s pack; this sounds whenever charging is completely normal in cold climates.
Have you ever placed a cookie sheet inside the microwave and observed it “pop” or “flex” after a few minutes? It is what happens to your EV batteries while they are charging.
Electric car batteries, like other energy storage devices, warm up while charging. It is particularly true when charging your Tesla; a Supercharger charges and warms the batteries more quickly.
Many new Tesla owners anticipate perfect silence while recharging and running their new vehicles. It is not always the case since strange sounds might emerge from the car most inopportunely. So, do EVs make a lot of noise while they charge?
Swelling occurs inside the pack due to the large volumes of cells being warmed at varied temperatures. You might hear a unique “thunk” noise level based on a few variables.
It’s a common noise made whenever the EVs are charging. It’s so prevalent that Tesla users named it “Thunk Sound.”
And don’t be concerned if you’ve owned your Tesla for several years and it’s the first time you’ve noticed the “Thunk.” The number of thunk sounds can vary depending on where, when, and how it is charged.
One reason for a Tesla to create a popping sound is Supercharging. Because Supercharging a Vehicle is the quickest method of charging, it also leads the cells to warm up faster than any other condition. Briefly, it is normal to hear a “popping” noise while Supercharging.
If you are experiencing this issue, contact your local Electric car Service Center and file a complaint.
Request that your latest Model be compared to one of the older models, and make it clear that your vehicle is noisier than the previous models. They will most likely tell the customer that perhaps the pop is “normal,” which it is not.
Loud Noise While Charging Your Tesla : Why ?
The following factors influence the amount of heat generated whenever batteries are charged, whether it’s in a Model s or an electrical product:
At Homes Vs Supercharging
Some drivers are unaware of the charging sound until they utilize a Supercharger. The conversion from 120 or 240 volts to Stage 3 Fast chargers is merely a power multiplication.
Think about what happens to a hose pipe as it fills with water with some pressure, and the pipe starts swelling. If you imagine energy as water pouring through a pipe, more power will force the batteries to swell faster.
You’ll likely understand some knowledge if you become bored of charging overnight, have poor range, and switch to a Level 2 charging station.
When utilizing stage 1 charging, many users report hearing it. However, it is the Superchargers that make the most sound.
Temperature Influences
Temperatures seem to be another factor that causes the cells to pop. Cooler temperatures can cause cells to swell more than when recharged in the summer heat. As a result, noise is more noticeable in extreme cold.
If you’re charging your vehicle on a warm day, you may not even feel any sound since the battery won’t extend as much.
Metal Could Be The Reason
Another source of noise could be the corrugated sheet above the rechargeable battery.
It may produce the same sounds if it’s somewhat out of tolerance. If this is the case, you may hear the pop a few moments after Supercharging.
Internal Resistance
The heat is generated by internal resistance while the battery is charging. The greater the resistance, the more heat is produced.
If you’re still charging at home with a basic level 1 charger (120V), you may not have noticed the pop since these adapters only add roughly 5 miles of range each hour.
It’s a slow charge in current EV charging standards, which is good for the accumulator in many respects, particularly on older EVs. Still, it’s not particularly useful once you’re trying to go from 20% to 85 or 90% in a short period!
When And When Not You Should Be Worried
When You Shouldn’t Be Concerned
The popping sounds do not indicate that almost any parts are failing or anything is being damaged, cracked, or harmed. Naturally, all these sounds are disturbing.
After so many years of driving Conventional cars and being informed that clicking, cracking, crunching, scraping, and other unusual sounds are signals of trouble, it’s no surprise that when you plug in your EV to charge, we perform a second take and get nervous whenever we hear a pop.
Remember that the popping sound is caused by the batteries quickly warming up and expanding. No harm is caused to your vehicle since these sounds are generated, and the power supply performs normally.
When Should You Be Concerned
If your EV isn’t charging, isn’t using temperature controls, and isn’t driving extremely fast or aggressively. Still, if you’re experiencing pop sounds, you should be worried about your vehicle since the battery is damaged and damaging your car.
What Is Tesla BMS, And Why Does It Make Noise
The Battery Management System (BMS) not only manages to charge but also calculates the amount of power stored by the accumulator and, as a result, the number of kilometers that power can drive the automobile.
It accomplishes this by using an algorithm that changes over time, constantly upgrading itself depending on data points gathered from reliable battery measurements.
It requires accurate measurements at a range of charge states to ensure accurate calibration. While this may appear simple, it is more difficult than you think if the car is constantly being driven or charged.
The popping sound is caused by a BMS swelling as it gets hot while charging. Heat promotes expansions, and the charging process produces rapid heat within the battery, particularly when using a Supercharger.
Unfortunately, there isn’t much you can do to quiet the sound. You’ll probably have noticed it if you Supercharge, and the same is applicable in cold weather.
You’ll have to live with that unless you want to relocate or limit yourself to stage 1 charging. People have learned to tolerate sound. It disturbed them initially, but now they realize the battery packs are doing their job.