Tesla users frequently have queries about the capacity of their batteries. Simple questions like :What are the Best Charging Practices For Tesla?
What are Tesla’s recharging guidelines or at what percentages should I power my EV? They don’t always receive straightforward answers.
However, there are numerous challenges when looking into Tesla’s charging capacity and suggestions for overcoming them. Whenever it refers to batteries and recharging in particular, there is a variety of opinions on the best practices.
Electric vehicle companies have made significant progress. Most customers are still unfamiliar with fully electric vehicles and are unaware that they exist.
That includes your Tesla’s charging habits. Lithium-ion batteries are now widespread. They are in your phone’s computers as well as in your EV.
You must apply the practices and Tesla recommendations below to the vehicle for a healthy battery.
What are the Best Charging Practices For Tesla ?

Elon Musk underlined the necessity of developing excellent habits when asked what the ideal recharging percentage is.
It covers the regularity with which your vehicle is filled, the charging voltage, and the battery’s health. If you stick to a routine and are consistent with how you power your Tesla, you will most likely increase its capacity.
Because Tesla could not respond accurately to the percentage’s questions, it can be presumed that the perfect percentage changes depending on the type of vehicle, your driving experience, and other things.
Consistent Charging
Regular recharging habits might prolong the lifespan of Tesla’s lithium-ion rechargeable battery.
The firm recommends keeping a regular state of charge at residence with such a low-power adapter to maintain the packs filled up and prepared for your trip. Unlike Tesla’s supercharger, a reduced voltage household charger puts less strain on the cells.
Customers say that a regular recharging routine assists to slow down degradation, saving the maximum voltage fast chargers when you’re on the run and have to get back on the road.
As a separate note, Elon recommends that you set a regular charge limitation of 90 or less. It is performed because boosting the batteries to 100 each day can put a strain on them.
Use Regenerative Braking When Possible
Whenever feasible, apply regenerative braking to boost the electric vehicle’s battery capacity significantly. All EVs include regenerative braking, which converts the vehicle’s kinetic energy into the chemical energy saved inside the batteries. You can utilize this saved power to increase your Car’s capability.
Said, the electric motors work as a converter, converting the energy normally wasted during braking and storing it as chemical energy in the cells. The energy generated during regen braking could maximize range as the Car travels forward.
Avoid Discharging Your Battery Completely
One of the most important items to avoid while purchasing an EV is draining the entire power of the batteries. When you get the opportunity to refill your EV, don’t let the charge drop beneath 20%, as this can lead to poor overall efficiency over time.
If you do not even require the complete battery’s capacity, don’t utilize it. However, falling to approximately 0 percent every once in a while doesn’t harm you.
But, if you are not required to, avoid it. And some customers recommend keeping the batteries around 20 to 80 percent charged whenever feasible.
Elon also suggests that you maintain your Car connected whenever feasible. Musk even stated that a Car that’s also connected is a cheerful Tesla.
It is advisable to stick to the Level two charge, according to the company (208-240 volt). Keeping a schedule at this level is the most effective strategy to improve the battery’s performance.
Advanced recharging will provide you with about 12 to 80 kilometers of range every hour, depending on the kind of Level two charger and the high charge speed of your Car.

Heat Your Tesla Before Going to A Supercharger
You will have quicker fast-charging experiences, particularly during the cold. When you drive, heat is produced in the motor, which heats the batteries in your automobile.
Consider plugging into a supercharger near your location to allow the batteries an opportunity to heat it for the fastest recharging experience.
Whenever you enter a location in your infotainment system, and it detects winter weather temperatures and the necessity for turbocharging, the vehicle will start to warm your batteries before arrival at the supercharger to minimize charging times.
The temperature control system brings it to an appropriate temperature whenever you pre-condition your pack.
Adjust the Current
If you used a higher ampere connection to recharge your vehicles, such as the NEMA 1450 or an electric car wall adapter, consider reducing the currents to avoid tripping the fuse box.
According to Musk, if you use a large amount of electricity simultaneously while your EV is recharging at full power, you endanger blowing the electrical box to your residence. Clients have a battery charging speed of 48 amps since they have the EV power adapter enabled.
Because other appliances are connected to the same circuit box, reduce the current via the charge display or the application to guarantee the electrical box doesn’t trip.
Your Car will retain the number of watts you selected, so make careful to change it up a bit later if you wish to charge faster.
Try To Do Slower Charging at Home
Slower charging at residence can assist in reducing battery degradation. Elon stated that when you have a NEMA 1450 or plug adapter installed, you will obtain substantially quicker fast charging than a standard 120-volt outlet recharging.
You are not required to do any of this, but if you wish to guarantee minimum battery degradation, check further into it.
One thing to consider is that constantly turbocharging a Tesla will put a far greater strain upon that battery within the long term than simply using a Thirty amp or 48-amp circuit setting at home.
Charging Practices For Tesla: The Conclusion
Recharging is most likely the most crucial action you perform because it has a clear relation with degradation. Tesla doesn’t specify an improved battery percentage than the other.
However, the company recommends that you remain within the vehicle’s everyday designated distance bracket (usually no lower than 20% and no higher than 90%) but only recharge 100% for extended road trips. Furthermore, Tesla recommended only utilizing Level three Fast chargers when required.
Nevertheless, Stage 1 or 2 recharging is the best option for ensuring long battery life. These expert ideas are just a few things to think about as strategies to help reduce battery degeneration.